Crown of Life Community
Baptist Church
David Anthony Spencer, Jr., Pastor
How I Can Help?
1. Pray.
2. Donate time and/or money to missions that support the most vulnerable people in our community: people and families who are underserved and resource-challenged.
Here are two ministries to consider that Crown of Life supports:
Sweetwater Mission. For more information on their response to this crisis and how you can help, click HERE.
Noonday Baptist Association of Churches. For more information about Storehouse Ministries and how you can help, click HERE.
3. Reach out to family, friends, neighbors, and others affected by COVID-19. Through technology and US mail, we can connect, encourage, and support.
4. Remember self-care. Eat healthy foods, drink water, exercise, get plenty of rest, and connect with loved ones. You are in a better position to help others when you are healthy.